Association rules and frequent itemsets (associate)

Orange provides two algorithms for induction of association rules, a standard Apriori algorithm [AgrawalSrikant1994] for sparse (basket) data analysis and a variant of Apriori for attribute-value data sets. Both algorithms also support mining of frequent itemsets.

For example, consider a simple market basket data:

Bread, Milk
Bread, Diapers, Beer, Eggs
Milk, Diapers, Beer, Cola
Bread, Milk, Diapers, Beer
Bread, Milk, Diapers, Cola

The following script induces association rules with items that appear in at least 30% of data instances (transactions):

import Orange
data ="market-basket.basket")

rules = Orange.associate.AssociationRulesSparseInducer(data, support=0.3)
print "%4s %4s  %s" % ("Supp", "Conf", "Rule")
for r in rules[:5]:
    print "%4.1f %4.1f  %s" % (, r.confidence, r)

The code reports on support and confidence first five rules found:

Supp Conf  Rule
 0.4  1.0  Cola -> Diapers
 0.4  0.5  Diapers -> Cola
 0.4  1.0  Cola -> Diapers Milk
 0.4  1.0  Cola Diapers -> Milk
 0.4  1.0  Cola Milk -> Diapers

In Apriori, association rule induction is two-stage algorithm first finds itemsets that frequently appear in the data and have sufficient support, and then splits them to rules of sufficient confidence. Function get_itemsets reports on itemsets alone and skips rule induction:

import Orange
data ="market-basket.basket")

ind = Orange.associate.AssociationRulesSparseInducer(support=0.4, storeExamples = True)
itemsets = ind.get_itemsets(data)
for itemset, tids in itemsets[:5]:
    print "(%4.2f) %s" % (len(tids)/float(len(data)),
                          " ".join(data.domain[item].name for item in itemset))

The above script lists frequent itemsets and their support:

(0.40) Cola
(0.40) Cola Diapers
(0.40) Cola Diapers Milk
(0.40) Cola Milk
(0.60) Beer

Association rules induction algorithms

AssociationRulesSparseInducer induces frequent itemsets and association rules from sparse data sets. These can be either provided in the basket format (see Loading and saving data) or in an attribute-value format where any entry in the data table is considered as presence of a feature in the transaction (an item), and any unknown (empty) entry signifies its absence. AssociationRulesInducer works feature-value data, where am item is a combination of feature and its value (e.g., astigmatic=yes).

Sparse (basket) data sets

class Orange.associate.AssociationRulesSparseInducer

Minimal support for the rule. Depending on the data set it should be set to sufficiently high value to avoid running out of working memory (default: 0.3).


Minimal confidence for the rule.


Store the examples covered by each rule and those confirming it.


The maximal number of itemsets induced. Orange will stop with inference of frequent itemsets once this number of itemsets is reached.

__call__(data, weight_id)

Induce rules from the provided data set.


For a given data set, return a list of frequent itemsets. List elements are pairs, where the first element includes indices of features in the item set (negative for sparse data) and the second element a list of indices supporting the itemset. If store_examples is False, the second element is None.

To test this rule inducer, we will first create a sparse data sets consisting of list of words in sentences from a brief description of Spanish Inquisition, given by Palin et al.:

NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency.... Our three weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.... Our Amongst our weapons.... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as fear, surprise.... I’ll come in again.

NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition! Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as: fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope, and nice red uniforms - Oh damn!

After some cleaning (e.g., removal of stopwords and punctuation marks), our data set looks like (inquisition.basket):

nobody, expects, the, Spanish, Inquisition
our, chief, weapon, is, surprise, surprise, and, fear,fear, and, surprise
our, two, weapons, are, fear, and, surprise, and, ruthless, efficiency
our, three, weapons, are, fear, surprise, and, ruthless, efficiency, and, an, almost, fanatical, devotion, to, the, Pope
our, four, no
amongst, our, weapons
amongst, our, weaponry, are, such, elements, as, fear, surprise
I'll, come, in, again
nobody, expects, the, Spanish, Inquisition
amongst, our, weaponry, are, such, diverse, elements, as, fear, surprise, ruthless, efficiency, an, almost, fanatical, devotion, to, the, Pope, and, nice, red, uniforms, oh damn

The following script induces the association rules:

import Orange
data ="inquisition.basket")

rules = Orange.associate.AssociationRulesSparseInducer(data, support = 0.5)

print "%5s   %5s" % ("supp", "conf")
for r in rules:
    print "%5.3f   %5.3f   %s" % (, r.confidence, r)

The induced rules are surprisingly fear-full:

0.500   1.000   fear -> surprise
0.500   1.000   surprise -> fear
0.500   1.000   fear -> surprise our
0.500   1.000   fear surprise -> our
0.500   1.000   fear our -> surprise
0.500   1.000   surprise -> fear our
0.500   1.000   surprise our -> fear
0.500   0.714   our -> fear surprise
0.500   1.000   fear -> our
0.500   0.714   our -> fear
0.500   1.000   surprise -> our
0.500   0.714   our -> surprise

To get only a list of supported item sets, one should call the method get_itemsets:

inducer = Orange.associate.AssociationRulesSparseInducer(support = 0.5, store_examples = True)
itemsets = inducer.get_itemsets(data)

Now itemsets is a list of itemsets along with the examples supporting them since we set store_examples to True.

>>> itemsets[5]
((-11, -7), [1, 2, 3, 6, 9])
>>> [data.domain[i].name for i in itemsets[5][0]]
['surprise', 'our']

The sixth itemset contains features with indices -11 and -7, that is, the words “surprise” and “our”. The examples supporting it are those with indices 1,2, 3, 6 and 9.

This way of representing the itemsets is memory efficient and faster than using objects like Descriptor and Instance.

Feature-value (non-sparse) data sets

AssociationRulesInducer works with non-sparse data.

class Orange.associate.AssociationRulesInducer

Association rule induction from non-sparse data sets. An item is a feature-value combination. Unknown values in the data table are ignored. The algorithm can also be used to search only for classification rules where the feature on the right-hand side is the class variable.


Minimal support of the induced rule (default: 0.3)


Minimal confidence of the induced rule.


If True, the classification rules are constructed instead of general association rules (default: False).


Store the examples covered by each rule and those confirming it.


The maximal number of itemsets induced. After reaching this limit the inference algorithm will stop.

__call__(data, weight_id)

Induce rules from the given data set.


For a given data set, return a list of frequent itemsets. The list consists of pairs, where the first element includes indices of features in the item set (negative for sparse data), and the second element a list of indices supporting the item set. If store_examples is False, the second element is None.

Following is an example script that uses AssociationRulesInducer:

import Orange

data ="lenses")
print "Association rules:"
rules = Orange.associate.AssociationRulesInducer(data, support=0.3)
for r in rules:
    print "%5.3f  %5.3f  %s" % (, r.confidence, r)

Script reports the following rules (first colon is support, second confidence):

0.333  0.533  lenses=none -> prescription=hypermetrope
0.333  0.667  prescription=hypermetrope -> lenses=none
0.333  0.533  lenses=none -> astigmatic=yes
0.333  0.667  astigmatic=yes -> lenses=none
0.500  0.800  lenses=none -> tear_rate=reduced
0.500  1.000  tear_rate=reduced -> lenses=none

To infer classification rules we can use a similar script but set classificationRules to 1:

print "Classification rules"
rules = Orange.associate.AssociationRulesInducer(data, support = 0.3, classificationRules = 1)

These rules are a subset of association rules that in a consequent include only a class variable:

0.333  0.667  prescription=hypermetrope -> lenses=none
0.333  0.667  astigmatic=yes -> lenses=none
0.500  1.000  tear_rate=reduced -> lenses=none

Frequent itemsets are induced in a similar fashion as for sparse data, except that the first element of the tuple, the item set, is represented not by indices of features, as before, but with tuples (feature-index, value-index):

inducer = Orange.associate.AssociationRulesInducer(support = 0.3, store_examples = True)
itemsets = inducer.get_itemsets(data)
print itemsets[8]

The script prints out:

(((2, 1), (4, 0)), [2, 6, 10, 14, 15, 18, 22, 23])

reporting that the ninth itemset contains the second value of the third feature (2, 1), and the first value of the fifth (4, 0).

Representation of rules

Methods for induction of association rules return the induced rules in AssociationRules, which is basically a list of AssociationRule instances.

class Orange.associate.AssociationRule
__init__(left, right, n_applies_left, n_applies_right, n_applies_both, n_examples)

Construct an association rule and compute evaluation scores (see below) based on counts given in the arguments of the call.

__init__(left, right, support, confidence)

Construct association rule and compute its support and confidence. For manual construction of such such a rule set other attributes manually, as AssociationRules’s constructor cannot compute anything only from support and confidence.


Given an association rule as the argument, constructor a copy of the rule.

left, right

The left and the right side of the rule. Both are given as In rules created by AssociationRulesSparseInducer from data instances that contain all values as meta-values, left and right are data instances in the same form. Otherwise, values in left that do not appear in the rule are “don’t care”, and value in right are “don’t know”. Both can, however, be tested by is_special().

n_left, n_right

The number of items on the left and on the right side of the rule.

n_applies_left, n_applies_right, n_applies_both

The number of data instances matching the left, right and both sides of the rule, correspondingly.


The total number of training instances.










n_examples * n_applies_both / (n_applies_left * n_applies_right).


(n_Applies_both * n_examples - n_applies_left * n_applies_right).

examples, match_left, match_both

If store_examples was True during induction, examples contain a copy of the data table used to induce the rules. Attributes match_left and match_both are lists of indices of data instances that match the left, right and both sides of the rule, respectively.


Tests if data instance is matched by the left, right or both sides of the rule, respectively. The data instance must be in the same representation as data from which the rule was inferred.

Association rule inducers do not store information on supporting data instances from training data set. Let us write a script that finds the data instances that match the rule (fit both sides of it) and those that contradict it (fit the left-hand side but not the right):

import Orange

data ="lenses")
rules = Orange.associate.AssociationRulesInducer(data, support=0.3)

rule = rules[0]
print "Rule: ", rule, "\n"

print "Supporting data instances:"
for d in data:
    if rule.appliesBoth(d):
        print d

print "Contradicting data instances:"
for d in data:
    if rule.applies_left(d) and not rule.applies_right(d):
        print d

The latter printouts get simpler and faster if we instruct the inducer to store the examples:

print "Match left: "
print "\n".join(str(rule.examples[i]) for i in rule.match_left)
print "\nMatch both: "
print "\n".join(str(rule.examples[i]) for i in rule.match_both)

The “contradicting” examples are those whose indices are found in match_left but not in match_both. The memory friendlier and the faster way to compute this is:

>>> [x for x in rule.match_left if not x in rule.match_both]
[0, 2, 8, 10, 16, 17, 18]
>>> set(rule.match_left) - set(rule.match_both)
set([0, 2, 8, 10, 16, 17, 18])


Orange.associate.print_rules(rules, ms=[])

Print the association rules.

  • rules (AssociationRules) – Association rules.
  • ms (list) – Attributes of the rule to be printed with the rule (default: []). To report on confidence and support use ms=["support", "confidence"]
Orange.associate.sort(rules, ms=['support'])

Sort the rules according to the given criteria.

  • rules (AssociationRules) – Association rules.
  • ms (list) – Sort keys (list of association rules’ attributes, default: [“support”].


[AgrawalSrikant1994]R Agrawal and R Srikant: Fast algorithms for mining association rules in large databases. In Proc. 20th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, pages 487-499, Santiago, Chile, September 1994.
[TanSteinbachKumar2005]P-N Tan, M Steinbach and V Kumar: Introduction to Data Mining, chapter on Association analysis: basic concepts and algorithms, Addison Wesley, 2005.