Linear projection (linear)

Linear transformation of the data might provide a unique insight into the data through observation of the optimized projection or through visualization of the space with reduced dimensionality.

This module contains the FreeViz linear projection optimization algorithm [1], PCA and FDA and utility classes for classification of instances based on kNN in the linearly transformed space.

Methods in this module use given data set to optimize a linear projection of features into a new vector space. The transformation is returned as a Projector instance that, when invoked, projects any given data with the domain that matches the domain that was used to optimize the projection.

class Orange.projection.linear.Projector(**kwds)

Stores a linear projection of data and uses it to transform any given data with matching input domain.


Project data.

Parameters:dataset ( – input data set
center = array([], dtype=float64)

Array containing means of each variable in the data set that was used to construct the projection.

input_domain = None

Domain of the data set that was used to construct principal component subspace.

output_domain = None

Domain used in returned data sets. This domain has a continuous variable for each axis in the projected space, and no class variable(s).

projection = array([], shape=(0, 0), dtype=float64)

Array containing projection (vectors that describe the transformation from input to output domain).

scale = array([], dtype=float64)

An array containing standard deviations of each variable in the data set that was used to construct the projection.

standardize = True

True, if standardization was used when constructing the projection. If set, instances will be standardized before being projected.

Pricipal Component Analysis (pca)

PCA uses an orthogonal transformation to transform input features into a set of uncorrelated features called principal components. This transformation is defined in such a way that the first principal component has as high variance as possible and each succeeding component in turn has the highest variance possible under constraint that it is orthogonal to the preceding components.

Because PCA is sensitive to the relative scaling of the original variables, the default behaviour of PCA class is to standardize the input data.

Optimizer and Projector

class Orange.projection.linear.PCA(standardize=True, max_components=0, variance_covered=1, use_generalized_eigenvectors=0, ddof=1)

Orthogonal transformation of data into a set of uncorrelated variables called principal components. This transformation is defined in such a way that the first variable has as high variance as possible.

  • standardize (boolean) – perform standardization of the data set.
  • max_components (int) – maximum number of retained components.
  • variance_covered (float) – percent of the variance to cover with components.
  • use_generalized_eigenvectors (boolean) – use generalized eigenvectors (ie. multiply data matrix with inverse of its covariance matrix).

Perform a PCA analysis on a data set and return a linear projector that maps data into principal component subspace.

Parameters:dataset ( – input data set.
Return type:PcaProjector
ddof = 1

Delta degrees of freedom used for numpy operations. 1 means normalization with (N-1) in cov and std operations

class Orange.projection.linear.PcaProjector(**kwds)

Bases: Orange.projection.linear.Projector

biplot(filename=None, components=(0, 1), title=Biplot)

Draw biplot for PCA. Actual projection must be performed via pca(data) before bipot can be used.

  • filename (str) – Name of the file to which the plot will be saved. If None, plot will be displayed instead.
  • components (list) – List of two components to plot.
  • title (str) – Plot title
scree_plot(filename=None, title=Scree Plot)

Draw a scree plot of principal components

  • filename (str) – Name of the file to which the plot will be saved. If None, plot will be displayed instead.
  • title (str) – Plot title
variance_sum = 0.0

Sum of all variances in the data set that was used to construct the PCA space.

variances = array([], dtype=float64)

Array containing variances of principal components.


The following example demonstrates a straightforward invocation of PCA (

import Orange
iris ="")

pca = Orange.projection.linear.Pca(iris)
transformed_data = pca(iris)

print pca

The call to the Pca constructor returns an instance of PcaClassifier, which is later used to transform data to PCA feature space. Printing the classifier displays how much variance is covered with the first few components. Classifier can also be used to access transformation vectors (eigen_vectors) and variance of the pca components (eigen_values). Scree plot can be used when deciding, how many components to keep (

import Orange
iris ="")

pca = Orange.projection.linear.Pca()(iris)

Fisher discriminant analysis (fda)

As a variant of LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis), FDA finds a linear combination of features that separates two or more classes best.

Optimizer and Projector

class Orange.projection.linear.Fda

Construct a linear projection of data using FDA. When using this projection optimization method, data is always standardized prior to being projected.

If data instances are provided to the constructor, the optimization algorithm is called and the resulting projector (FdaProjector) is returned instead of the optimizer (instance of this class).

Return type:Fda or FdaProjector

Perform a FDA analysis on a data set and return a linear projector that maps data into another vector space.

Parameters:dataset ( – input data set.
Return type:FdaProjector
class Orange.projection.linear.FdaProjector(**kwds)

Bases: Orange.projection.linear.Projector


Synonymous for projection.


Array containing eigenvalues corresponding to eigenvectors.


Freeviz (Demsar et al, 2005) is a method that finds a good two-dimensional linear projection of the given data, where the quality is defined by a separation of the data from different classes and the proximity of the instances from the same class. FreeViz would normally be used through a widget since it is primarily a method for graphical exploration of the data. About the only case where one would like to use this module directly is to tests the classification aspects of the method, that is, to verify the accuracy of the resulting kNN-like classifiers on a set of benchmark data sets.

Description of the method itself is far beyond the scope of this page. See the above paper for the original version of the method; at the moment of writing the method has been largely extended and not published yet, though the basic principles are the same.

[1] Janez Demsar, Gregor Leban, Blaz Zupan: FreeViz - An Intelligent Visualization Approach for Class-Labeled Multidimensional Data Sets, Proceedings of IDAMAP 2005, Edinburgh.

class Orange.projection.linear.FreeViz(graph=None)

Contains an easy-to-use interface to the core of the method, which is written in C++. Differs from other linear projection optimizers in that it itself can store the data to make iterative optimization and visualization possible. It can, however, still be used as any other projection optimizer by calling (__call__) it.


Perform FreeViz optimization on the dataset, if given, and return a resulting linear Projector. If no dataset is given, the projection currently stored within the FreeViz object is returned as a Projector.

Parameters:dataset ( – input data set.
Return type:Projector
attract_g = 1.0

Coefficient for the attractive forces. By increasing or decreasing the ratio between attract_g and repel_g, you can make one kind of the forces stronger.

force_balancing = False

If set, the forces are balanced so that the total sum of the attractive equals the total of repulsive, before they are multiplied by the above factors. (By our experience, this gives bad results so you may want to leave this alone.)

force_sigma = 1.0

The sigma to be used in LAW_GAUSSIAN and LAW_KNN.


Can be LAW_LINEAR, LAW_SQUARE, LAW_GAUSSIAN, LAW_KNN or LAW_LINEAR_PLUS. Default is LAW_LINEAR, which means that the attractive forces increase linearly by the distance and the repulsive forces are inversely proportional to the distance. LAW_SQUARE would make them rise or fall with the square of the distance, LAW_GAUSSIAN is based on a kind of log-likelihood estimation, LAW_KNN tries to directly optimize the classification accuracy of the kNN classifier in the projection space, and in LAW_LINEAR_PLUS both forces rise with the square of the distance, yielding a method that is somewhat similar to PCA. We found the first law perform the best, with the second to not far behind.

mirror_symmetry = True

If enabled, it keeps the projection of the second attribute on the upper side of the graph (the first is always on the right-hand x-axis). This is useful when comparing whether two projections are the same, but has no effect on the projection’s clarity or its classification accuracy. There are some more, undescribed, methods of a more internal nature.

optimize_separation(steps=10, single_step=False, distances=None)

Optimize the class separation. If you did not change any of the settings which are not documented above, it will call a fast C++ routine which will make steps optimization steps at a time, after which the graph (if one is given) is updated. If single_step is True, it will do that only once, otherwise it calls it on and on, and compares the current positions of the anchors with those 50 calls ago. If no anchor moved for more than 1e-3, it stops. In Orange Canvas the optimization is also stopped if someone outside (namely, the stop button) manages to set the FreeViz’s flag attribute Orange.projection.linear.FreeViz.cancel_optimization.


Reset the projection so that the anchors (projections of attributes) are placed evenly around the circle.


Set the projection to a random one.

repel_g = 1.0

Coefficient for the repulsive forces. By increasing or decreasing the ratio between attract_g and repel_g, you can make one kind of the forces stronger.

FreeViz can be used in code to optimize a linear projection to two dimensions:

import Orange
zoo ='zoo')

optimizer = Orange.projection.linear.FreeViz()
projector = optimizer(zoo)

for e, projected in zip(zoo, projector(zoo))[:10]:
    print e, projected

Learner and Classifier

class Orange.projection.linear.FreeVizLearner(freeviz=None, **kwd)

Bases: Orange.classification.Learner

A learner that builds a FreeVizClassifier on given data. An instance of FreeViz can be passed to the constructor as a keyword argument freeviz.

If data instances are provided to the constructor, the learning algorithm is called and the resulting classifier is returned instead of the learner.

class Orange.projection.linear.FreeVizClassifier(dataset, freeviz)

Bases: Orange.classification.Classifier

A kNN classifier on the 2D projection of the data, optimized by FreeViz.

Usually the learner (Orange.projection.linear.FreeVizLearner) is used to construct the classifier.

When constructing the classifier manually, the following parameters can be passed:

class Orange.projection.linear.S2NHeuristicLearner(freeviz=None, **kwd)

Bases: Orange.classification.Learner

This class is not documented yet.